
The revolution of the water treatment

Quality and innovation, a unique product in the world

A new water technology that guarantees great results thanks to an effective mix of inert gases that dissolves limescale and removes biofilm deposits, the natural habitat of legionella. With this system you prevent and eradicate pollutants, save energy, save on maintenance and reduce water consumption. It is, therefore, a unique and innovative solution for water treatment in residential, management, commercial, industrial, healthcare and aqueduct environments.It dissolves lime in all plants, prevents the new formation, removes biofilm favoring the elimination of Legionella and amoeba. It makes the water transparent, pleasant, lighter and free of impurities It complies with numerous legal obligations solving the problems related to them


Lowering energy consumption


Longer devices’ lifespan




no more legionella





Ordinary Cost savings

0 %

It optimizes system operation with energy savings .

lower ordinary cost

Maintenance Savings

0 %

Clean devices

lower cost of ownership


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